‘I feel protected in the velodrome’: how track cycling helped ease my anxiety

14 October 2019 06:30
Whizzing around on a bike with no brakes is strangely meditative – and has helped me to rediscover my adventurous, carefree attitude of oldI used to be proud of my carefree, adventurous attitude. I had travelled solo, jumped out of a plane and had a host of other adrenaline-filled experiences. But then, when I was about 27, something changed. I started to feel anxious about everyday things, such as going to the supermarket or driving. I worried about interacting with people, and hundreds of “what if?” situations that might arise when I was out.I have had bouts of depression for more than a decade. It comes in waves: one moment I am feeling better, then days, weeks, months later it comes crashing back down on me. But anxiety has emerged more recently, in the past four years. Continue readingread full article

Source: TheGuardian